BaseLine© is designed for anyone who wants to monitor the behaviour or performance of their "system" or "process". Anyone with time-sequenced data can simply cut n' paste that data into BaseLine©, instantly converting it into a simple chart - a picture of how things are changing, and how predictably.

A BaseLine© process behaviour chart is a picture that literally saves a thousand words because it initiates conversations that are about the system rather than about isolated, spurious or unrelated events. BaseLine© is a tool that empowers those working on the system, with the help of those working in the system, to maintain their system in a stable and predictable state and then to safely steer sustained improvement and innovation.

You can get started immediately by downloading BaseLine© version and paste in some of your own time-sequenced data - just 15 points is usually enough.  BaseLine© is intuitive to use and to help you get started please see the examples below.

BaseLine© is complatible with Windows 7 and Windows 10.
Note: BaseLine© is not compatible with MacOS.

Click HERE to download your copy of BaseLine© and to get your activation code.

Avoiding The Flaw of Averages Trap

Whenever we try to simplify time-series data by calculating an average we run the risk of falling into a trap.

We can be falsely reassured if our average performance is OK. In reality our actual performance can be far from OK.

With your data presented using BaseLine© charts both you and your audience will be able to see hidden hazards without drowning in data.

© Sarah Fraser 2013

BaseLine© Example

To give you a flavour of how BaseLine© is used in practice - here is a set of twenty measurements from a test system ...

47; 55; 40; 52; 55; 70; 60; 43; 51; 41; 73; 73; 79; 89; 83; 86; 78; 85; 71; 70;

For most of us the story hiding in this sequence of numbers does not exactly jump out of the page!

When you copy n' paste the row of data into BaseLine© you can see the pattern immediately.

Time-ordered data presented as a picture is much easier to interpret because it is how our brains have evolved to work.

When presented as a picture you can see immediately that something changed between points 10 and 11 - there has been a clear step increase in the scores.

The change looks obvious, but can we also say with confidence that it is significant? Could this have happened purely by chance?

With BaseLine© you can answer this question with the click of a button - by creating an Individuals Chart.


BaseLine© scans through the data, calculates the average (green line) and also measures the change from point-to-point to calculate the limits of natural variation (red lines).  Baseline© then uses these guidelines to search for specific patterns in the data. If it finds any of these patterns it marks the start of the pattern with a red flag and a number that indicates the type of patten it found.  These flags say "there is very probably something going on here that is not just chance".  In other words - "there is signal in the noise".

The Individuals Chart confirms our initial subjective impression. What exactly has changed?

With BaseLine© you can answer this question with twomclicks: select point 11 and then split the data into two segments (points 1 to 10 and points 11 to 20).


BaseLine© will now scan the two segments separately and display the results on the chart.

It is now obvious just what the change was: the average has jumped from about 50 to about 80.

There is another change visible too: the point-to-point variation over time has fallen; as shown by the narrowing of the limits of natural variation.

This single change explains all the "signals" and we now have good evidence that our system has improved; it is both better and more consistent.

With this richer picture of the story of we can:

  1. Say with confidence that there has been a significant improvement.
  2. State what has changed and by how much.
  3. Justify investing time into looking at what happened between points 10 and 11 and learn from what we find.
  4. Predict-within-limits what the future scores should be.
  5. See immediately if any further changes occur as we add more data points; for better or worse.

With BaseLine© you have a tool to see what your process or system is trying to say to you.

Click HERE to download your copy of BaseLine© and to get your activation code.

BaseLine© Demonstration Video

Click HERE to download your copy of BaseLine© and to get your activation code.

BaseLine© Quick Recipes

A. Create a Run Chart
B. Create an Individuals Chart
C. Create a Chart using Measurement Events
D. Interpreting the Individuals Chart
E. Using Rational Groups
F. Making a Prognosis
G. Handling Cyclical Data
H. Interpreting "Special Cause Variation"

Click HERE to download your copy of BaseLine© and to get your activation code.