The eleGANTT® system is a combination of standard IoT hardware with innovative software that enables the complex behaviour of a complicated microsystem to be visualised in real-time.
The live visualisation allows the people working in the microsystem to see the emergent behaviour of their system and to better appreciate the effects of their individual actions and their interdependencies.
The real-time visual feedback stimulates curiosity, active engagement and natural creativity.
The intended and observed outcome is rapid convergence on practical, doable interventions that lead to significant improvements in safety, flow, quality and value-for-money or productivity.
Here is a short video demonstrating eleGANTT® being used in a table-top simulation of a one-stop clinic as part of a training exerise.
The same technique and technology is used to measure a real clinic in real-time as the first step in the diagnose-design-decide-deliver sequence that characterises the improvement-by-design approach.
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