Home Journal of Improvement Science ISSN 2054-6629

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Rank Author(s) Title Year Vol Pages Status Abstract
1Murphy J.Examining Demand Versus Capacity in Swansea Bay Radiology Part 1 :MRI202410718Published
2Wright L.Diagnosis and Treatment of CT Constraints202310231Published
3Jones C.Investigating the Relationship between Hospital Bed Occupancy and Length of Stay for Fractured Neck of Femur (#NOF) Patients in Morriston Hospital 20239817Published
4Thompson M.Efficient and Effective Management of People with Bowel Symptoms using Assisted Intelligence202410520Published
5Hothi S.Reducing Radiotherapy Delays: Part 2202410420Published
6Hothi S.Reducing Radiotherapy Delays: Part 1202310129Published
7Murphy J et al.A Return to Morriston Pre-Operative Assessment Clinic post-COVID: Part 120239628Published
8Lane M et al.A Return to Morriston Pre-Operative Assessment Clinic post-COVID: Part 2202310020Published
9Hatfield S.Redesigning Admission to a Surgical Ward20239924Published
10Hothi S.Load Levelling with Heijunka in Histopathology 20239726Published
11Hothi S et al.Developing a Vitals Chart Dashboard for Urgent Suspected Cancer Referrals20229519Published
12Jones C et al.Using Systems Engineering to Redesign our Triage Process for our Ambulatory Stream in A&E: Part 120207423Published
13Wright L et al.Making Invisible Processes Visible in Healthcare Systems Engineering20218713Published
14Jones C.An Exploration of the Relationship between Utilisation and Efficiency in the Context of an Operating Theatre20218418Published
15Ingham P et al.Sutton Coldfield Unplanned Admission Avoidance in the Elderly Project20173926Published
16Jones C et al.Practical Application of Improvement Science to Visualise the Queues and Flows within Radiology20174821Published
17Jones C et al.Identifying and Elevating the Flow Constraint in our Ophthalmology Day Surgery Unit using 6M Design®20207827Published
18Flood R et al.Reducing Lead Times for CT Colonoscopy Patients by Changing the Booking Policies20228826Published
19Jones C et al.Applying Health Care Systems Engineering to a Pre-Op Assessment Clinic20217729Published
20Hothi S.Understanding the Causes of Long Waits and Poor Patient Flow in an Urgent Suspected Breast Cancer One-Stop Clinic20228919Published
21Talbot L.Visualizing the Referral to Treatment Time (RTT) Waiting List for Ophthalmology Patients20206618Published
22Jones C et al.Improving the Delivery of Chemotherapy: Part 6. Using Complex Physical System Modelling and Re-Design to Restore the Calm20196222Published
23Jones C et al.An Excel-based Windkessel Model to Investigate the Relationship Between Hospital Bed Occupancy and the Flow of Patients out of A&E20218027Published
24Adams A.Diagnosing Flow Constraints in a Fast Track Glaucoma Clinic20196110Published
25Jones C.Using Visual Feedback Loops and Prospective Stock and Flow Modelling to Help our Surgical Recovery Post Covid-19 20218621Published
26Jones C et al.Planning the Appointment Slot-Capacity for an Urgent Suspected Cancer Clinic: Part 120185219Published
27Chong Y et al.Planning Ophthalmology Workflow in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Systems Engineering Approach20206910Published
28Flood R et al.Measuring Utilisation of CT Scanners within an Acute Trust20229319Published
29Jones C et al.Using Systems Engineering to Redesign our Triage Process for our Ambulatory Stream in A&E: Part 2. Model to Modify with a One-Day Test of Change20217621Published
30Talbot L et al.Applying Data Engineering to Design a Visual Management Tool to Enable Planning of Post-COVID Surgical Services20218118Published
31Jones C.Improving the Delivery Model for Chemotherapy: Part 5. Collecting the Data Needed to Diagnose the Flow Constraints using eleGANTT® Technology20196019Published
32Dodds S.Learning Anti-Chaos Design in Emergency Flow20163214Published
33Dodds S et al.An Acute Hospital Demand Surge Planning Model for the Covid-19 Epidemic using Stock-and-Flow Simulation in Excel: Part 120206820Published
34Collins L et al.Diagnosing Poor Flow in Plain Film Imaging20229425Published
35Jones C et al.Practical Application of Improvement Science Within the Radiology Urgent Suspected Cancer Diagnostic Pathway20174923Published
36Dodds S et al.The Emergency Pathway Horned Gaussian2012115Published
37Jones C.Improving the Delivery Model for Chemotherapy as part of a Stream-Level Service Redesign using 6M Design®. Part 3: Authorisation and Blood Bikes20163731Published
38Jones C et al.Improving the Delivery of Chemotherapy: Part 7. Implementing the Feedback Loops to Complete the 6M Design® Cycle20206414Published
39Jones C.Maintaining the Momentum of Medicines: A Pharmacy Service Redesign Using the A3 Problem Solving Process as a Remedy for the Ills of Patient Flow20152040Published
40Dowdall M.6M Design® in Our Hands - Improving Paediatric Ophthalmology In-Clinic Flow20195317Published
41Dowdall M.Health Care Systems Engineering applied to a Cataracts Pathway - Part 1: Chaos to Calm in the Cat-1-Stop Clinic 20206516Published
42Silvester K.Learning with the Labs20152230Published
43Hart A et al.Improving Ambulatory Care in a Large Tertiary Emergency Department20195522Published
44Dodds S.Seven-Day versus Five-Day Flow-Capacity20152430Published
45Silvester K et al.Introducing eleGANTT®: An Automated Tool for Real-Time Diagnosis of the Constraints in Ophthalmology Clinics20195415Published
46Jones C.Improving the Delivery Model for Chemotherapy as part of a Stream-Level Service Redesign using 6M Design®. Part 2: Phlebotomy20163123Published
47Dodds S et al.Theatre Productivity Improvement using 6M Design®2013820Published
48Pirie E.Diagnosing and Treating a 'Sick' Complex Multidisciplinary Clinic20196322Published
49Jones C.Improving the Delivery of Chemotherapy as part of a Stream-level Service Redesign using 6M Design®. Part 1: Manufacturing 20162717Published
50MacDonald A.Using Systems Engineering to Evaluate an Indoor Model of a Primary Care Assessment Facility20229028Published
51Wright L.Diagnosing Long Waits in Radiology2017508Published
52Dowdall M.Health Care Systems Engineering applied to a Cataracts Pathway - Part 2: Developing Valid Vitals Charts® of the Mesosystem20206723Published
53Dodds S.A Study of the Relative Value of Different Time-Series Charts for Proactive Process Monitoring2012315Published
54Pudney D.Removing Chaos within an Outpatient Clinic Setting20174218Published
55Riaz Y.Applying the 6M Design® Framework to the Review of a Urology Outpatient Clinic20217917Published
56Simcox J.Intervening into Personal and Organisational Systems by Powerfully Leading and Wisely Managing20162928Published
57Davidge M.Calming the Clinic - Part 1: Diagnosing the Problem20164017Published
58MacDonald A et al.Applying Systems Engineering to Design an Urgent Primary Care Drive Through Facility: Part 120218518Published
59Fullerton K.Theory of Constraints and 6M Design® Applied to a Virtual Scenario20174126Published
60Silvester K.Diagnosing the Flow Constraint in an Endoscopy Service. Part 1: Recognising and Avoiding the Data Query Trap20163823Published
61Williams L et al.Mapping and Measuring a Gastroenterology Clinic. Part 1: Understanding the Chaos20185126Published
62Kidd P et al.Impact of Pharmacist Clerking on Right-First-Time Admission Prescribing in an Acute Medicine Unit20195913Published
63Dodds S.A Case Study of a Successful One-Stop Clinic Schedule Design using Formal Methods 2012613Published
64Jones A.Pharmacy Chemotherapy Capacity Scheduling20174724Published
65Hatfield S.Embedding HCSE Principles in New NHS Managers20229222Published
66Parmar J.Improving the Delivery Model for Chemotherapy as Part of a Stream-level Service Redesign using 6M Design®. Part 4: Scheduling of Patients on the Chemotherapy Day Unit20174327Published
67Kidd P et al.Using Systems Engineering to Create Resilience in COVID-19 Swabbing Capacity at University Hospital Galway20218220Published
68Dodds S.A Case Study of Improvement in the Quality and Productivity of a Surgical Service20131111Published
69Roberts H et al.Finding the Constraints in an Ophthalmology Clinic20174521Published
70Partridge N.Using 6M Design to Overcome Patient Safety Concerns in a Fracture Clinic Waiting Area during the COVID-19 Pandemic20229126Published
71Pirie E.Personal Experience of Learning Improvement Science and Application of this to a Fracture Clinic Example 20152314Published
72Dodds S.A Case Study of Reducing Surgical Site Infection (SSI) using a Bundle of Care Model and the Science of Improvement Method20141824Published
73Dodds S.A Study of Productivity Improvement Tactics using a Two-Stream Production System Model2012418Published
74Simcox J.Is Your Improvement Continu-ous Or Continu-al?20163312Published
75Simcox J et al.Good Science, an antidote to Ben Goldacre's "bad science"20152128Published
76Dodds S.Design of a Safe and Efficient Influenza Vaccination Delivery Process in the Context of Covid-1920207312Published
77Debenham P.Improving Clinical Team Briefing using 6M Design®20152518Published
78Bradley D.Investigating Fractured Flow from Orthopaedics to Rehabilitation20162816Published
79Davidge M.Calming the Clinic - Part 2: Designing the Solution20174614Published
80Gayle S.Personal Experience of Conducting a Service Evaluation: Incidence of Post-Operative Sore Throat in Extubated Elective Surgical Gastrointestinal Patients2020718Published
81Dodds S.A Case Study of Using Time-Series Analysis to Detect Positive Deviance2012714Published
82Simcox J.Managerial Leadership: Five Action-logics Viewed via Two Developmental Lenses20163021Published
83Silvester K.Implementing Endoscopy Pre-Assessment: Part 220163619Published
84Dodds S.Community Wound Care Service Improvement Guided by a Whole System Simulation Model2012514Published
85Pope R.Implementing Endoscopy Pre-Assessment: Part 120163517Published
86Dodds S.A Clinical Study of the Effect of Communication Process Improvement on the Outcome and Cost of Community Wound Care201227Published
87Simcox J.An Information System for the Self-Managing Patient20131432Published
88Kidd P.SafeMedsNow. Delivering a more Effective and Productive System for Medicines-use in a Tertiary Teaching Hospital using 6M Design®20152629Published
89 .Quality Improvement in Anaesthesia and Analgesia for Total Knee Arthroplasty using 6M Design®20151923Published
90 .A Study into Pupil Waiting Times at an Immunisation Session in School20163416Published
91Simcox J.Commissioning for Efficacious Outcomes20131513Published

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